are three interrelated elements highly noted in the company to exist and to
mutually strengthen, namely employees (right people), system, and facilities.
The company views that the “right people” is in principle the main asset of the
company who must have competency and also sound attitude which conforms to
GarudaFood’s culture. In addition to “right people”, GarudaFood has also a
system called GMS (GarudaFood Management System).
considering the development of people and system, GarudaFood also builds a system
of compensation and benefit, career path, career planning, and learning program
to fill the personal needs of its employees so they become satisfied. These are
aimed at achieving the quality of work and quality of life.
addition to the personal life of employees and their family (Quality of life),
the work environment (Working life) is also continuously developed. From here
arises Knowledge Worker concept, namely employees, besides being competent, are
also satisfied. Therefore “Knowledge Worker Model” in GarudaFood has two main
aspects, namely competence (skill, knowledge, and attitude) and employee
satisfaction (in regard to quality of life and working life). Through such
Knowledge Worker will be borne creativity and innovation in products, processes,
and procedures.
conditions constitute bases for the creation of GarudaFood Community which can
serve as the initial step to materialize that what is called civic
responsibility. Namely the company’s efforts of becoming not only business
community, but also capable of giving wider positive impacts by building
“competitive culture”, character and personality development to its employees
therefore the company jointly with its employees on an individual basis can
form and color the development of the surrounding community. Therefore,
employees are not only giving their contribution to GarudaFood, but also
coloring wide community by becoming Agent of change.
this reason, every individual in GarudaFood is expected to become not only a
dynamic professional but also to achieve Peace of Mind such as set out in the
Company’s Corporate Philosophy, namely Dynamics and Peaceful.
16.500 karyawan yang saat ini menganggap Garudafood Group sebagai rumahnya,
adalah sumber daya yang tidak ternilai bagi kami. Mereka adalah orang-orang
terpilih yang telah melalui proses seleksi ketat dan memiliki keahlian,
pengetahuan, serta perilaku yang sangat baik dan senantiasa meningkatkan
Saat Ini Membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru
All position
1. Regional Trade Marketing
2. Area Trade Marketing
3. PDv & Recruitment
4. Promotion Officer
5. Market Development
6. Senior Legal Officer
7. Learning Development Senior
8. Data Analyst – Manufacture
9. HR (Internship)
anda mempunyai integritas dan motivasi tinggi serta siap menerima tantangan
dalam organisasi GarudaFood yang dinamis, Silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran,
CV lengkap, foto terbaru, salinan ID dan transkrip universitas ditujukan untuk
CP. Nia-Recruitment & Assessment Dept
Jl. Bintaro Raya 10A, Jakarta Selatan 12240, Indonesia
Email: (maks. 1Mb)
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Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2022